Order Information
1. Q: What is the status of my order?
A: We send email updates when products arrive and ship out with tracking information.
2. Q: Can I change my order?
A: Orders can be changed depending on the item, except for special order items. Variants in color or size can be changed if available.
1. Q: Where do you ship from?
A: Our New Jersey/Florida location.
2. Q: Where do you ship to?
A: Worldwide, internationally.
3. Q: How long does shipping take?
- In stock: 24-48 business hours
- Nismo Warehouse: 3-5 business days
- Special Order: 7-9 weeks
- Made To Order: 2-3 months (build time) + shipping
- Backorder: Unknown ETA
4. Q: Do you offer fast shipping?
A: Shipping speed varies depending on checkout selection.
1. Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: Major credit cards, Apple Wallet, Samsung Pay, Google Pay, PayPal.
2. Q: Which currency will I be charged in?
A: US Dollar (website default), with optional currency conversion.
Tracking and Delivery
1. Q: How can I track my package?
A: Tracking information is available in your account settings and via follow-up email.
2. Q: What if I'm not home?
A: Shipping services may require signature upon delivery (automatic for orders over $500).
International Shipping
1. Q: Will I pay taxes for international shipping?
A: Yes, international customers pay taxes upon customs entry (no US tax).
1. Q: Do you accept returns?
A: No returns for special order items, electrical items, pre-orders, made-to-order items, damaged items without original packaging.
2. Q: Are returns free?
A: Returns subject to 20% restocking fee and shipping charges.
3. Q: How long does it take to process a return?
A: Returns inspected within 24-48 business hours.
Other Questions
1. Q: Do you offer a referral program?
A: Yes, our built-in program tracks referrals via social media, rewarding NPP points redeemable for discounts.
2. Q: Do you have physical stores?
A: No physical stores currently available.
3. Q: Is there a warranty?
A: Nismo Specific Items carry no warranty (Off-Road Use Only parts).