Nissan R32 GTR Nismo Intercooler Assembly
Nissan R32 GTR Nismo Intercooler Assembly
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This intercooler has a core thickness that allows it to be installed on the BNR32 without modifying the front bumper. Compared to the genuine product, the core capacity has been enlarged and an optimal fin pitch has been adopted to reduce pressure loss while maintaining cooling performance. This reduces the burden on the turbocharger and contributes to improved boost response. In addition, the design allows intake air to flow over the entire core by minimizing the change in cross-sectional area of the side tank.
•Product with Core Thickness 70mm
By thinning the core, the front bumper can be installed as is on the BNR32.
•Product with Core Thickness 100 mm
Installing the intercooler as vertically as possible enhances the cooling performance of the radiator as well.